Rich and warm.
Autunm is coming, much as we hate it. The leaves start coming off the trees after turning beautiful colours on the way. Autumn colours are rich and warm and remind you of this time of year which gives a dramatic change to our environment. When you think of Autumn, you think of conkers, the reds, oranges and yellows of leaves, bright skies (hopefully) and warm creamy jumpers. These colours can be reflected in an Autum based Interior Design. Below are some of the rich colours that are inspired by Autumn. They can seem overwhelming, but with the current Maximalism trend, or layering with lighter furniture and furnishings, they can work. Especially in a cosy snug, bedroom or dining room
You could use the darker brown or red for an accent wall, or bedding. The lighter orange or cream for a sofa or rug, Perhaps paint the walls the lightest creamy yellow, but add a rug or carpet with all the darker colours, however, I would be brave and use the darker colours for all my walls if it is for a dining room or snug or bedroom. These are rooms that lend themselves well to cosy, warm and dramatic colour schemes. Good lighting, both overhead and mood will help turn these spaces into great entertaining or relaxing spaces. these rooms are mostly used in the evenings and at night any way, and making them moody will not mean they are dark and dreary. Ask you can see from below, there is drama for going dark in auturm.
Don’t be scared and go-for it, you will get comment from visitors about how cosy and warm the room is, and these colours will work well into christmas and soften the heat of summer. Lots of throws and cushions will soften the look and mirrors will bounce the available light around. Put lamps on when the nights draw in, and curl up with a good book, on those windy and rainy days.