In the grand scheme of things, some tasks are more important than others. Which ones, though, depend on the person adding them to their To Do list. Here, you get to decide which tasks are most important to you. Importance may be defined by:
Urgency of the tasks- is there a firm deadline for it.
How much difference it would to your (and your family’s) life
Does it need to be finished to allow another important task to be done.
Your next stage is to rank your tasks from High to Low importance. Be honest, don’t put off a difficult task as low urgency if you are afraid of completing it. This may be because of lack of knowledge or skills that you have. A later blog post will help you with dealing with your fear of this, so rank them properly. They may even be high importance if they have not been attempted at all.
Of course, because of life, these rankings may change, tasks may rise or fall in importance over time, so, review this regularly to make sure they are still accurate. One strategy to do this is to use the Eisenhower Matrix - 4 squares to rank your tasks.
Below is a link to a Video on this subject which may be interesting.