How to get My Life Sorted - Review your plans again!
Coming into the final quarter of the year, it is time to undertake another review of your plans to see how you are doing and what you have achieved. Or have you had all the good intentions, but let it slide because you were too busy? Either way, this is the chance to re-calibrate and push on towards the end of the year.
Get out your list and take a look. Don’t panic if you still seem to have a lot to do. There is time, or perhaps this is the point to make those hard choices and either reduce or remove some tasks. Ask yourself - do I still need to do this? A few questions you can run through for each item on your list::
Is this still of the same priority and importance to me?
Do I still need to do this myself or is there someone better who can undertake this taks
Have other tasks become more pressing?
Is there another task that needs to be completed first before I can do this one?
These should help you to review and re-prioritise your tasks, as long as you are honest with yourself over the answers, It is all to easy to say only I can do this.
Perhaps this is a time to look at reality and say, I can show someone how to do this task and they can take it on permanently. OR I can pay someone to do this task as a one off - look to temporary resources such as VA’s or Admin suport.
You do not have to do everything yourself. As much as we all hate to admit it, sometimes someone else can do this faster and better than you.
Don’t worry if your priorities have completely changed, that’s life and why regular reviews are important. It is no good ploughing on down a list when the tasks on them are no longer relevant. And why Quarterly reviews are the very least you should do.
Good luck with your final quarter’s plans. And don’t worry overmuch, do what you can.