How to get my life sorted - Halloween Decorations (and fun).
The end of October brings in several traditional festivals - Halloween being the first. This celebration has become bigger recently, almost overtaking Guy Fawkes in popularity. This post takes a look at some Halloween Decorations you could make by yourself or with your kids. Some activities are suitable for all ages, others involve sharp objects so you make your own decision with your kids in mind.
Pumpkin carving! The tradition of pumpkin carving is ages (Ireland or Scotland in the 19th century is mentioned), but is great but messy fun. You can now get pumpkins of all sizes and colours, or go with the traditional but unusual Swede to carve. You can get pre-prepared faces and specialist kits, but a good sharp serrated knife and metal spoon seem to work too. Below are some links to suggestions for pumpkin carving or you can just go free-style. Remember some tea-lights to light your faces up!
Make a costume. Easiest thing in the world being a goup of ghosts. You just need some old white sheets and a pair of scissors. Or go more dramatic and become a vampire or witch. What can you find in the wardrobe to make the cloak and hat.
Bobbing for apples (or dougnuts). The apples version involves water and floating apples in the bowl, you then put your hands behind your back and ‘bob’ for the apple. A water free version and decoration involves tyeing the apple or doughnut on a strip and hang it from a door frame or line strung up and then ‘bobbing’ for them.
Create spooky silhouettes from black crepe paper and hang them in your windows - witches on broomsticks, ghosts, cauldrens etc are all fun to cut out
Create large spiders with balloons, pipe-cleaners or craft wire and black fur. Use two black balloons blow up to different sizes and tie the necks together. Stick black fur to craftwire for legs and attach the the balloons with fishing wire.
Create a spooky wreath. Get a wreath form, and tie six pieces of string across to form a cart-wheel shape. Weave other string in and out to form a cob-web. Cover the outside with white ribbon and add fake spiders.
Re-use your white christmas paper bells to make ghouls by sticking black paper eyes and mouths on them and draping with muslin.
Make sure you home made sweets around for any visitors, make some toffee apples and pehaps a balloon pinata in the shape of a ghost or pumpkin. Plenty of black paper to make shapes of bats and witches. Muslin shredded to make cobwebs or make a spider web cake using white icing on an orange cake.
For a really dramatic effect, get some dry ice and a cauldren and see the smoke flow. Re-use a witches broomstick as decor - they are great in the garden afterwards for any dry leaves that need to be swept up.
Let your inner witch out when creating colourful drinks and potions, make some halloween cup-cakes and use white and black icing to decorate. We can all have fun at Halloween.